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The factryengine package contains three main components: Resource, ResourceGroup, Assignment, Task, and Scheduler. Below is the documentation for using each of these components.

Resource and ResourceGroup

The Resource class is used to represent a resource in the scheduling problem. Below is an example of how to create a Resource object.

from factryengine import Resource

# Creating a Resource object
resource = Resource(
    available_windows=[(0, 5), (10, 15)],


  • id (int): Unique identifier for the resource.
  • available_windows (list[tuple[int, int]]): List of available windows for the resource represented as tuples of start and end times.

We can put multiple resources into a group which can be used for dynamic assignments.

from factryengine import ResourceGroup

# create resource objects
operator1 = Resource(
    available_windows=[(0, 5), (10, 15)],
operator2 = Resource(
    available_windows=[(0, 5), (10, 15)],

# add them to resource group

operators = ResourceGroup([operator1, operator2])


Assignments are used for allocating resources to tasks dynamically. You dont need to hardcode the resources you can instead select a pool of resource that could do the task. The algorithm will select the subset which finishes the task the fastest.

from factryengine import Assignment

assignment = Assignment(resource_groups=(operators), resource_count=1)
- resource_groups (list[ResouceGroup]): The resource groups which can be picked from. If multiple resource groups are added then the fastest completing resourcegroup will be selected. - resource_count (int): The maximum number of resources which may be selected. - use_all_resources (bool): if you want to allow to use all resources in a group then simple set use_all_resources to True.


The Task class is used to represent a task in the scheduling problem. Below is an example of how to create a Task object, reusing the resource object created above.

from factryengine import Task

# Creating a Task object
task = Task(


  • id (int | str): Unique identifier for the task.
  • duration (int): Duration of the task with a constraint of being greater than 0.
  • priority (int): Priority of the task with a constraint of being greater than 0.
  • constraints (set[Resource]): Are resource which are required througout the task.
  • assignments (list[Assignment]): Are used to dynamically assign resources to tasks. If 2 resources are allocated, the task will finish twice as fast.

  • predecessor_ids (list[int]): List of predecessor task ids.

  • predecessor_delay (int): Buffer time after the completion of predecessor tasks before the current task can commence, must be greater than 0.


The Scheduler class is used to schedule tasks based on their priorities, durations, and resources. Below is an example of how to use the Scheduler class, reusing the task and resource objects created above.

from factryengine import Scheduler

# Creating a Scheduler object
scheduler = Scheduler(tasks=[task], resources = [resource])

# Scheduling the tasks
scheduler_result = scheduler.schedule()


  • schedule(): This method schedules the tasks and returns a SchedulerResult object.


The SchedulerResult class contains the results of the scheduling.


  • to_dict(): Converts the scheduling result to a dictionary.
  • to_dataframe(): Converts the scheduling result to a pandas DataFrame.
  • summary(): Provides a summary of the scheduling result.
  • plot_resource_plan(): Plots the resource plan.
  • get_resource_intervals_df(): Returns a DataFrame of resource intervals.

Task Priority

In factryengine, task priority helps decide the order tasks are scheduled. Lower priority numbers are scheduled first. But, if a task depends on another (called a predecessor), the predecessor will be scheduled first, no matter its priority.

Here's a simple example:

from factryengine import Task, Resource

# Task with lower priority
task1 = Task(id=1, duration=3, priority=2, constraints=[[resource]])

# Task with higher priority, but depends on task1
task2 = Task(id=2, duration=5, priority=1, constraints=[[resource]], predecessors_ids=[1])

In this case, even though task2 has higher priority, task1 will be scheduled first because task2 depends on it.